Jan 13, 2009

Brunei Chelsea Fan Club Gathering

11th January 2009, was the date that i waited for, the gathering and the match between Man Utd & Chelsea. I went to the d'other office around 11ish pm and there were already Chelsea fans waited for us. I didn't expect that many Chelsea's supporter will turned up at the gathering knowing the kick-off time was pretty late I have to say, it was really impressive, more than 25 people came. I think it was a successful event although we lost the match against Man Utd 3-0. It's ok, we just have to face the fact that we lost. Doesn't mean we lost the match its the end of the world (i keep on saying this again) which is true and its not that we beat them 3-0 before, so yeah, No Suprise at all.

Awu lapas makan, berlimpangan drg ani hehe


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