May 4, 2008

Iron Man

Iron Man is an action sci-fi blockbuster extravaganza that provides cartoon thrills for thinking people. It's the best movie of its kind since the second Spider-Man movie four years ago but Transformer is still the best movie ever. Robert Downey Jr is the film's best special effect.

The fun of Iron Man, a Marvel adaptation in which a routine arc has been burnished with great elegance and skill, is the way that it heals the split, soldering the two halves of its hero into a single organically driven figure.

The gadgetry is absolutely dazzling, the action is mostly exhilarating, the comedy is scintillating and the whole enormous enterprise throbs with dramatic energy. Iron Man is fantastic, a sure fire blockbuster that will leave audiences breathless and fanboys wanting more. This is the comic book superhero movie to see. I give a 8/10 for the movie. I don't read the comic but I love the movie.

Last night after attending to a small function with my best buddies (Wira & Amir), we went to the Qlap Cineplex to watch the Iron Man movie. We left the function early just to catch up the 9.oopm movie. Our driver that night was Amir and the co-driver was Wira. The driver was so F**ing sick, gila ia mendrive atu macam antah eh, couldn't describe how he drive lah but i can say like a MANIAC.. woahahaha. Neways ada incident yang paling memalukan dan sungguh men-dropkan my water face selesai saja meliat wayang. My antique javanese slipper putus dengan tiba-tiba masa ku keluar dari wayang atu. I didn't notice it until i found myself kenapa tiba-tiba kakiku terasa lantai and selipar ku menyiring, i then lift my selipar depan orang ramai and cuba memasukkan tali yang putus atu, macam what the hell, why did i lift up my selipar atu?? i was so curious kali. Terpaksa ku mengheret kakiku from 3rd floor di tangga sampai ke ground floor, baik jua tangga di belakang. Arrghh, it was so embarrassing sampai terpaksa ku suruh si Amir ambil aku at the pintu belakang cos thats the nearest exit door from the stairs di belakang.

Then we went to have our dinner di Chill's. Oh before atu, si Dayat meminjamkan seliparnya rah ku while ia makai kasut, thanks bro, selipar mu arah si Amir tu, ambil aja di keretanya. I met few friends di Chills and its good to meet them sal lama udah inda jumpa my friends ani. Then at 12 midnite, had to head back home cos Wira is having a golf tournament esuknya.

Oh well, that's about it saja.. ketawa tah ko puas2 Mir sal selipar ku atu, nanti ada balasannya tu arah mu.. hahahaha


Sunday , May4th 2008

Congratulation to my best budd, Wira or better known as Ak Wirahadikusuma Pg Md Salleh for winning the Overall gross of the DYTM Paduka Seri Muda Mahkota Charity Golf Tournament at the Jerudong Park & Country Club with a score of 75, organised by Boustead Sdn Bhd. Wish you luck on your next tournament bro. No wonder on the phone, he asked me to wait him at his house cos he wants to put 'something' in the house, rupanya kan simpan trophy nya. Inda ia mau bagitau aku dalam tefon ah, bikin suspend saja kau ah bro. Too bad inda ku sempat mengambar ia migang trophy. Furthermore ia ani bukannya jenis yang suka bergambar, banar kan bro? hahaha..

Lapas ambil si Wira dari rumahnya, we then went to ambil si Aizat, then we went to ICC just to check on the BICT career day, what job they offered di sana, unfortunately masa kami sampai di sana, durang tutup sudah but still ada opportunity to register online. Then we went to the Plenary hall, ICC to see the exhibition. Nothing interesting there, macam biasa saja. I met the Jagongs there as well, shopping berabis kamu di sana atu haha..

Thats bout it.. mata ku sakitt.. pitutann.. eh lurus kah tu.. *ouch*

picture courtesy from Infofoto

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