Then I went to the nearby Telbru and bayar bill tefon lah nie then tarus ku tanyakan my friend, at the same time ia kaja di sana masa atu. She told me lah yang kawasan sini ani espeed rusak, even at their office pun nda baik espeed. I am so glad bukan modem espeed ku rusak but sasak ku jua sal espeed inda mau atu, i have lots of stuffs and websites kan buat for my clients, paksa tergendala.
Then my cuzen sms me and tanya if my espeed ok kah inda, so i told her lah bukan rah tani saja but semua kawasan sini pun rusak. She thought modemnya rusak jua. Sekali Si Shai mengusut memsg aku tanya if espeed masih berulah, ku suruh ia bawa bersabar saja haha.. then si Amir lagi tanyakan aku espeed okay sudah kah belum, what the hell.. aku ani tempat espeed information center kah? banyak urang tanya aku sampai bila tah espeed ani inda mau, how should I know.. lol..
Banyak kan ku post kemarin but inda menjadi pasalnya lupa ku apa kan ku postkan ah. Neways, Im happy Chelsea masuk semi finals UEFA Champion League. The Semi Final ani Chelsea lawan Liverpool and I am looking forward to watch the match. Err.. apa lagi ah.. I think atu saja kali dulu lah..
Eh wait, tadi mau espeed ani masa ku start blogging.. but now bermasalah lagie.. silahau wah Espeed ani. kajap mau, kajap inda.. slow lagi tu. Eeh.. I just dont get it, are they gonna improve their services or menambahkan lagi masalah? Espeed always menambahkan masalah, they never make their customer happy even tah durang potong harga espeed masa ani from $98 to $68 (eseh mempromosikan lagi durang nie) but look at the bright side, their services are still not improving and their speed masih lagi selow and not setedi. I am not happy with their services yet I still have to pakai espeed jua since iatah saja broadband yang available di Brunei ani which is sucks. Ada pulang yang b-mobile atu but malas ku cos u have to purchase the laptop baru tah dapat the modem and buleh pakai internet di mana saja kamu ada di Brunei ani. Its not worth it complaining bout their services, even tah di complain pun, still berproblem jua masih. I know they are trying their best to improve their services and maintenance but sampai bila? ini lah keluhan hati seorang pelanggan espeed.. hahaaha.. but hey, as a customer, we do have the rights to let it out, we do have the rights to complain if we are not satisfy with their services, am i right or wrong? you tell me ma..
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